‘Solar Grids Can Help In Rural Electrification

Tell us something about the idea behind the smart grid lab?
This is one of its kind in the country. The power sector has made huge advancement in terms of technology. There is a sea change in the way power will be generated, distributed and monitored in the future.
Smart Grid Lab demonstrates new technologies, products and operations for different organisations and institutions, including utilities. The purpose of TPDDL’s Smart Grid lab is to not only test and operationalise the implementation of advanced technologies but also to serve as a forum to demonstrate advanced technologies to national and regional regulators. We allow our partners to use the Smart Grid lab to showcase their products and solutions to other Indian utilities.
It also talks about the important role that technology is going to play in the future by making the power usage and distribution more efficient and smart.
How successful the company has been in implementing the technologies that are showcased here? When is the company going to implement smart meters?
For a technology to become smart, the upgradation needs to be gradual. For example, if we are talking about smart metres one cannot just leapfrog into smart metre without the proper preparation, without a sound communication, which is connected to the main control room. If the metre is not connected in a seamless network, then the whole exercise will become futile. The server must be able to locate where the metre is installed.

Also, it can work more efficiently only when you have your own communication system in place. For example, if the communication system fails, then the whole system will be stalled. So the planning for the infrastructure has to be smart, seamless and well connected.

Another factor is to recognise the consumption pattern of the consumers and various industrial units so that the distribution is seamless.

How has company been able to deal with transmission loss?

AT&C losses have been brought down to 8.8 percent from 53.1 per cent in 200. The achievement makes the company an industry leader in this regard. That’s what our transformation journey is about. We targeted AT&C losses through concerted efforts in process orientation, customer centricity, strategy

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