Smart cities represent a paradigm shift in urban planning, where the integration of advanced infrastructure, community-centric designs, and economic opportunities converges to create vibrant, sustainable urban ecosystems, says Mohit Goel, Managing Director, Omaxe
Read MoreProfessional lighting systems are a solution that cities can use while freeing up resources, writes Jitendra Agrawal, CEO, Surya Roshni - Lighting and Consumer Durables business.
Read MoreIndustrial parks, as such, even well-designed with smart technologies, are becoming very important enablers of sustainable urbanisation writes Siraj Saiyed, Director, Arete Group of Companies
Read MoreThe project will transform Panvel’s safety and security infrastructure by deploying cutting-edge surveillance and smart city technologies
Read MoreInvestors are increasingly prioritising green buildings that are energy-efficient, use environmentally friendly materials, and incorporate renewable energy sources, writes Shiwang Suraj, Founder & Director, InfraMantra
Read MoreThe solar power generated by the plant will be shared with Commercial and Industrial (C&I) clients nationwide, enabling them to fulfil their green energy objectives
Read MoreThe report also predicts that in the upcoming years, high-income countries could see an 11 per cent rise in Average Annual loss (AAL) due to climate change, while middle-income countries might experience increases by 12 per cent and low-income countries could face a staggering 33 per cent increase in AAL
Read MoreThe first project includes largest district cooling Public-Private Partnership (PPP) project in Asia for Hyderabad Pharma City (HPC), where the company will develop 125,000 RT of district cooling plants and networks, investing up to USD 200 million to provide more sustainable long term cooling services
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