
Anuradha Shukla


A Business Journalist with over 11 years of experience, she has been writing on policies, corporate affairs and Infrastructure. A keen observer of economic policies, she loves to decode its impact on Indian business.

Latest Articles By Anuradha Shukla

‘India loses about 3% of GDP due to road crashes per year’

Every year, 1.25 million people are killed in road crashes and 90 per cent of deaths occur in the developing world. India is leading the global death toll by reporting 1,50,000 deaths each year. SaveLIFE Foundation (SLF) is an independent, non-profit organization working for the road safety and access to emergency medical care across India and abroad. Over the past few years, SLF has facilitated the enactment of key legislations in India such as the Good Samaritan Law and now has adopted one of India’s deadliest highways to transform it into a zero-fatality corridor. Piyush Tewari, the founder and CEO of SaveLIFE Foundation shares his journey with Anuradha Shukla of BW Businessworld.

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Smart Or Not, Everyone Wants A Safe City

Cities are doing everything to become smarter. But, are they paying enough attention to safety as well?

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Cities Can Get Negative Marking For Misinformation In Swachh Ranking

Cities can get 33 per cent negative marking for misrepresenting information on the sanitation infrastructure in the next Swachh Survey ranking of cities for 2018. The first Pan india survey have incorporated new features like weightage for 'innovation' and processing for waste.

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'JICA Has Been The Largest Bilateral Partner To India'

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has been a leading bilateral partner for India, extending its support to major infrastructure projects, including, highways, metro rail in Delhi, Chennai, Bengaluru, high speed railway project and smart cities projects. Takema Sakamoto,Chief Representative, JICA, India Office, in conversation with BW Businessworld.

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Is India Ready To Bite The Bullet?

One of the most ambitious projects of the Modi Government, the progress of Bullet train is painfully slow due to bureaucratic hassles

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Revamping Indian Railways

Indian Railways is the backbone of Indian transport system. However the existing infrastructure is not enough to cater to the growing passenger demand in future. Railway requires massive technical overhaul and upgradation

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Cities Need Smart Spaces For Parking

Creating good parking space can go a long way for smooth road traffic. BW Smartcities look at how cities are adopting smart parking solutions using technology

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Waiting For Green Signal

Handling city traffic, especially during peak hours, is a universal concern for global mega cities. Can technology be the answer for smooth traffic management?

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In Smart City Plan, People Should Be The Main Focus

In last five years, Barcelona has transformed itself into one of the most advanced European cities. The city has smartly embedded technology with green living together and has created a city, which is smart, healthy and retaining its vibrant culture. Antonio Vives, CEO of City Transformation Agency, Barcelona the man behind the transformation of Barcelona into a Smart City, in a brief chat with BW Smart Cities

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Metro Rail: Is Privatisation the Way Forward?

Government has opened doors for privatisation of metro rails. Can it help the metro rail to become a viable transport option? Anuradha Shukla examines the challenges

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