Articles for Tech Trends

Macquarie selects Prescinto Monitoring & Analytics platform for Clean Energy portfolio

Through its user-friendly platform, Prescinto facilitates the early identification of issues leading to asset downtime and losses, offering Macquarie a complete list of identified issues for the company to focus on in the technical management of its portfolio.

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Smart Cities Need Robust Data Center Infrastructure To Succeed

Needless to say, a smart city blueprint based on IoT using Big Data Analytics to process the data generated will depend on an infinitely elastic data infrastructure.

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Smart Water Meters --Way Forward to beat Water Scarcity Crisis

Water is one of the basic components that promotes life on Earth, yet a multitude of factors has created enormous stress on the availability of freshwater across the globe. This crisis has reached such dire levels that the World Economic Forum in its 2019 Global Risks Report, lists water scarcity among the largest global risks in terms of potential impact over the next decade.

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Technologies That Could Transform The Retail Industry

Like any other archaic model, the retail sector could benefit by incorporating some new and developing technologies to transform the customer’s shopping experience.

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3 Lesser-Known Technological Innovations

Technology has transformed human lives to the greatest extent in the past century and has kept humans adept and smarter as the day progresses. Let us have a look at few recent technological innovations which are not popular yet.

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Smart City Programs That Exist Today

The overarching motifs that define a smart city solution include higher levels of urban planning, the pervasive use of digital platforms and technologies, equitable municipal participation, and incremental operational efficiencies.

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Applications For Cameras On The Streets

Modern mesh networking technologies are empowering urban planners to deploy high-resolution cameras to gather real-time data in the form of images, video, and sounds.

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The IOT In A Smart City

Devices in the IoT include vehicles, home appliances, electric meters, certain parts of industrial installations, security systems, thermostats, electronic appliances, alarm clocks, speaker systems, vending machines, etc. These are variously equipped with sensors, software, actuators, and other electronic components that animate the core functions of the IoT.

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