3 Lesser-Known Technological Innovations

From archaic times, it has been a habit for humans to keep evolving and developing older methods and tools to create more efficient and convenient devices. Technology has transformed human lives to the greatest extent in the past century and has kept humans adept and smarter as the day progresses. Below is the list of few recent technological innovations which are not popular yet.


As the usage of handheld devices has gone up, so have the problems associated with that. Privacy is the biggest threat to this digital device which is worrisome. Blackphone comes with the option to protect privacy completely. It encrypts texts, calls, emails, data browsing history and all other features that come with the phone. This helps in making sure that the data from the device cannot be stolen and privacy will not be affected.


Hoverboards have been in concept phase for long until the company named Hendo from California was able to get their Hendo Hoverboard to the market. These hoverboards can levitate about an inch from the ground. But they are limited by their conductive materials to Copper or Aluminium.

Pencil Pusher:

As we are moving towards the digital world, we still have lots of papers being used daily. The worry becomes what is to be done with wasted papers. Paper pusher provides a very innovative solution to this issue. Chinese scientists call this device as P&P Office waste paper processor. The waste paper must be inputted to the machine and the output would be a pencil. The machine compresses the waste paper and lead is inserted between them with a small amount of glue to keep them together.

There are a vast number of smaller, hidden innovations that are produced every day. Many of these improve sustainability, convenience, and reduce wastage. They need to be highlighted more often and brought before the public eye, so that they may get the recognition they deserve.

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