
Amit Vaidya


The author is Director, Strategic Customer Team, Sensus India

Latest Articles By Amit Vaidya

Fixing India’s water crisis needs an integrated approach including Smart water management

India is facing one of its major and most serious water crisis. It's water demand is projected to be twice the available supply by 2030, implying severe scarcity for hundreds of millions of people and an eventual 6% loss in the country's GDP, as per Composite Water Management Index (CWMI) report by NITI Aayog in 2018.

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Smart Water Meters --Way Forward to beat Water Scarcity Crisis

Water is one of the basic components that promotes life on Earth, yet a multitude of factors has created enormous stress on the availability of freshwater across the globe. This crisis has reached such dire levels that the World Economic Forum in its 2019 Global Risks Report, lists water scarcity among the largest global risks in terms of potential impact over the next decade.

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Effective Water Management – Indispensable for smart cities

By investing in AI technology, water utilities can collect and correlate the real-time data from their water network to achieve real-time data-driven business efficiencies.

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