'UP 100 is now an established platform for providing emergency services of Police'

The government was planning to include more public utility services like ambulance and fire integrated in this platform, any progress so far?
UP 100 is now an established platform for providing emergency services of Police. Fire and ambulance services have now also been integrated with UP100 on a 24X7 basis. Both of these integrations are running successfully.
How the whole database has helped the police in its strategic planning for prevention of crime in most vulnerable zones?
The UP 100 system is responding to almost 1.2 lakh calls on a daily basis. The physical intervention of police in about 14000 cases daily has brought about better satisfaction level from police services across the state. All the incidents are being documented and followed up for a proper closure. Simultaneously, a patrol management system has been formulated for all the response vehicles. The routes are being decided by the local officers based on the data of crime and incidents generated in this system.
The cumulative data of incidence registered with UP100 lead to comprehensive data mining which includes spatial distribution of crime over state, Hotspot analysis of crimes, neighborhood Analysis of crimes, trend analysis of events and predictive analysis. Meaningful data interpretation has helped in lowering the crime rates by acting as a deterrent through round-the-clock availability of the response system with real-time tracking of the response vehicles.
How many complaints does the Centre receive on an average daily. What is the success rate of redressal of those complaints?
Around 14,000 citizens in distress are being served daily. Based on regular feedback received from these citizens it has been found that 81 per cent of served citizens feel positive about the UP100 services.
Women still feel vulnerable in Uttar Pradesh, has the state taken any action to ease the crime against women or to make the process of complaints women friendly?
The system has helped the women of the state reach out to police and get prompt help in situations of distress. Almost 5 per cent of the calls daily re-late to such cases and quick help is provided by UP 100 service. Engaging lady call takers has further encouraged the women complainants to air their grievances more freely and also expect a more women friendly response. The feedback received from the users of this service has confirmed that the women are now more confident about police help and quick intervention.
Do you feel the system has been able to change the public perception of UP Police? And to what extent?
Certainly, we have data which can better explain the social impact of this project. On an average around 14,000 dispatched are being handled by UP100 on the daily basis. This figure was about 3000 before implementation of UP100. Thus, the reach and awareness of the program can be easily estimated.
Citizen consciousness can also be measured by the fact that UP100 provided assistance in more than 42 lakh cases within a period of 1 year. Close to 200 people are being assisted in trauma cases and hospitalized daily by fleet staff and this prompt help has saved a number of lives. On an average, about 1,200 offenders are handed over to the police stations daily which lowers the crime rates by acting as a deterrent. Based on regular feedback taken from the assisted persons, it has been found that 81 per cent of served citizens were satisfied with the services of UP100.
We also conducted a survey with respondents who availed UP100 services. The responses had been very encouraging as nearly 95 per cent respondents were satisfied that police reached when they called UP 100. Nearly 90 per cent respondents found the UP 100 service to be excellent and 89 per cent respondents felt that the general sense of security has improved. To quote the survey results itself, 86 per cent respondents believed that the image of UP Police had become better, 88 per cent respondents felt that UP 100 was transparent and 97 per cent respondents feel that that the state police is now more approachable.
These responses are very encouraging and we can confidently say that after implementation of UP100, security to citizens has improved. Mostly because of regular patrolling and as per local needs. Frequent patrolling on Taj expressway and major National Highways has also improved the public perception of UP Police.