Top trends for Smart Cities in 2021

The concept of Smart Cities in India has become a reality amidst shifting technological trends and is pegged for tremendous growth. With consistent efforts to integrate technology in all aspects of public life in addition to focusing on a sustainable ecosystem, Smart Cities are set to witness progress and receive support for faster implementation.

The increasing technological knowledge of consumers and availability of real time data will accelerate the process to a large extent. Sectors such as healthcare, public sector and utilities, transport are set to be revolutionized with an equal stress on security systems to ensure a safe environment alongside a seamless one. 

According to Gartner, the decrease in inconvenient costs make smart city initiatives more viable. The government is increasing its spend on public security infrastructure and in the wake of the pandemic, this is likely to gain further prominence.

Read on as I decode some key trends for Smart Cities in 2021.

  • As the first phase of infrastructure setup wraps up, cities will now look towards Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to propel digital transformation. These will make operations smoother, faster and more efficient besides producing accurate, error free results
  • The interoperability of disparate systems will play a key role in enabling data unification and homogeneity. Data science and analytics will form the backbone for the growth and sustenance of smart cities. In order to create a safe, secure, and seamless ecosystem for civilians, data analytics will be of paramount importance in smart cities for digital transformation. 
  • 5G is one of the key concepts that we will need to keep an eye out in 2021 and beyond. Due to improved security, faster connectivity and processing speed, it will tend to have a major impact on Smart Cities. We believe as the deployment of 5G will begin, the true vision of connected smart cities will come to life.
  • Blockchain technology has been largely democratized and industry players are making efforts to incorporate it as a part of daily activities such as transportation, financial services, security, real estate, etc. We will see more use cases crop up as the technology continues to penetrate the mainstream.


The Smart City investment is slated to peak $158 Billion by 2022 with the Americas leading the revolution. Public sector and visual surveillance will have the maximum investment. Water, transportation, financial services will be managed by AI and IoT. There will be focus on energy conservation and sustainability to tackle the problem of scarcity of resources. The healthcare and real estate sector are expected to witness a major boom owing to increased focus on public health and smart living. Consolidation of technologies is what most smart cities will run on. The Asian countries with the majority of population and its adaptability to a smarter and better environment will comprise a major chunk of the Smart City revolution by 2023 and India will be a frontrunner in this revolution. 


Pradeep Kushwaha

Guest Author Head of Public Safety, NEC Corporation India

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