Survey of India, Genesys International Sign MoU to Develop 'Digital Twins' Of Indian Cities

Genesys International, India’s home-grown geospatial mapping company and Survey of India (SOI), country's oldest custodian surveying and mapping authority, have signed a Memorandum Of Understanding to create ‘Digital Twins’ of major cities and towns. The Digital Twins are three dimensional (3D) high-resolution images that can be used for urban planning, infrastructure development and disaster management.
The highly accurate navigation maps, with constellation sensors and SOI's recently launched CORS (continuously Operating Reference Stations) network by Genesys will allow real time high precision positioning data.
This collaboration is aligned with India's National Geospatial Policy 2022, which liberalised the Indian geo special data and promoted self-reliance in geospatial data production and usage.
Talking about the MoU and the technology, Hitesh Kumar Makwana, Surveyor General of India, said, "In line with National Geospatial Policy 2022, Survey of India has commenced collaboration with the industry beginning with Genesys International, to deliver geospatial content, that will be created with reference to National Geodetic Framework. SoI is willing to collaborate with Industry partners for utilising the modern surveying techniques and leveraging the expertise of the Indian private sector.”
Makwana further added, "The 3D Digital Twin thus created will be used by government departments for various new initiatives. The integration of our CORS (Continuously Operating Reference Stations) technology with the surveying expertise of the private sector will enhance the usability and reliability of geospatial data, unlocking new possibilities for India's development. We are looking for the future possibilities that this SOI-Industry collaboration holds and it would be useful for the larger public needs."
Sajid Malik, Chairman and Managing Director of Genesys International, stated, "Genesis partnership with Survey of India for creating Digital Twins of Indian cities will serve as a cornerstone for India's development. We are excited that India's foremost mapping authority is playing a key role in digital infrastructure."
This partnership between Genesys and SOI will be a notable development in the Indian geospatial industry, thus providing insightful data, which will be helpful in decision-making processes across various sectors like defence, Intelligence, urban development, Infrastructure development, Agriculture and Land Administration.
India’s Geospatial Economy, which is currently valued at around Rs 41600 crore and employing 5,45,000 people, is expected to reach Rs 61,000 crores by the end of 2025, as per the Geospatial Strategy for National Development report which was released in November last year.