The Thiruvananthapuram Smart City Project led by the city corporation has stepped in its third phase of execution. For the past one year, the authorities have been working on 44 projects approved as part of the Smart City project plan which includes the Palayam market redevelopment, slum development, laying of smart roads, waste management, and eco-friendly programs. One of the key projects that is in progress under the Smart City project is working on IT-based solutions to curb the traffic and solve safety surveillance-related issues.
About 885 cameras will be installed across the city which will help in monitoring traffic and strengthening surveillance. For this purpose, an Integrated Command and Control Centre (ICCC) will soon be launched in the city. “
The current cameras were not connected to any command and control center which makes it difficult to obtain exact information during emergency situations. “The cameras which will be installed under the Smart City project will adapt according to the movement of the vehicles and will synchronize in tune with the route, making the surveillance more accurate and easy,” said Sanoop.
These cameras which are to be installed in about 100 junctions across the city will set a standard for surveillance of city traffic conditions and enhance the safety of the citizens as well. The cameras are equipped with the latest technology which will help in monitoring traffic and speed violations through automated number plate recognition technique and speed violation.
It will also help to streamline and monitor the city traffic conditions during all hours.
Besides this, the Smart City project also focuses on developing public spaces to be elderly-friendly. As part of this, open gym equipment has been installed in three major parks in the city, namely Gandhi Park, Sree Chithira Thirunal Park and Sreekandeswaram Park. Smart bus shelters will also come up which will include digital display boards and interactive kiosks.
The Palayam market will be also get a facelift with the entire ground floor stipulated to be used to house about 490 vendors including vegetable vendors, fish sellers and fruit sellers. Smart roads will also be developed with cycle-tracks and pedestrian-friendly footpaths. Slum are development is also cards, the project will focus on building proper sanitation facilities and providing proper drinking water supply in identified areas.
Smart living
● About 885 cameras are set to be installed across the city to monitor traffic and for strengthening surveillance
● The cameras will be synced to an Integrated Command and Control Centre which will help make quick decisions
● The Smart City project also focuses on developing public spaces to be elderly-friendly. Open gym equipment has been installed in three major parks in the city
(Source : The New Indian Express)