On Sunday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Tamil Nadu and Kerala to inaugurate a host of fresh projects including Chennai Metro Rail extension and IIT Madras Discovery Campus. In Kerala, the Prime Minister had five projects to unveil to boost the growth of economy in the country.
On addressing the occasion in Chennai, PM Modi said: " This year's budget has given special importance to developing the coastal lines. The budget for Chennai Metro is one of the largest projects sanctioned for any city." in the process, the Prime Minister unveiled the Chennai Metro Rail Phase-1 extension from Washermanpet to Wimco Nagar, which involved a cost of ₹3,770 crore. The 9.05-km extension of Chennai Metro will connect North Chennai with the airport and Chennai Central Railway Station.
Another project, the fourth railway line between Chennai Beach and Attipattu which is of a stretch of 22.1-km, which is constructed at a cost of ₹293.40 crores, is also inaugurated. This specific project is expected to ease traffic in and around Chennai port. This section of the railway connects Chennai port and Ennore port.
The Prime Minister also inaugurated the electrification of single-line railway section at Villupuram-Cuddalore-Mayiladuthurai-Thanjavur and Mayiladuthurai-Thiruvarur. The electrification of this 228-km route, completed at a cost of ₹423 crore, will ensure smooth traffic between Chennai Egmore and Kanyakumari without changing the traction. This will save fuel of about ₹14.61 lakh per day.
The Prime Minister laid the foundation stone for expansion, renovation and modernisation of the Grand Anicut Canal System among other projects here. He further added, : " The government is committed to support Tamil fishermen and their rightful interests. Also the Tamils in Sri Lanka."
Later the PM laid the foundation stone of the IIT Madras discovery Campus. On addressing the crowd, the Prime Minister added, " The 1000 crore Discovery Campus of IIT Madras will be a leading centre for Discovery in the country and is a boost for Atma Nirbhar bharat"