New Jobs That Could Exist In Smart Cities

Digitalization, which was an ambitious target barely a few years ago, has become mainstream and is moving extremely fast towards becoming the way of life. A primary example of this is the concept of smart cities, which until recently was limited to grand plans but is now slowly becoming a reality. With governments pushing towards smart cities and ushering in a new era of urban planning and development, there are high expectations in terms of the job opportunities such initiatives bring.
As smart cities rely heavily on the technological amalgamation of the different services and facilities being offered by the city administration, it is extremely likely that newer job roles will emerge apart from the traditional ones. Some of the domains and the types of jobs they can be offering as part of the smart city development are:
Employment has always been a prime concern of the population, and it is the responsibility of the government to do everything they can to encourage job growth. With rapid growth in multiple sectors, there can be a vast variety of jobs available to an increasingly employable population, which leads to population happiness and a stable economy.