NDMC introduced a cashless medical facility for treatment of CVOID-19 to Contractual & RMR Employees in impaneled hospitals

With the aim to provide cashless Medical facilities for COVID-19 to affect contractual and RMR employees, New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) has introduced a cashless medical facility in all empanelled hospitals for the Contractual and RMR employees and dependent family members with immediate effect with a period of three months.

As per the decision of NDMC, now all NDMC empanelled hospitals, labs, diagnostic centres will provide cashless IPD/OPD treatment for only COVID-19 treatment to all contractual / RMR employees on production of valid ID or certificate issued by NDMC on existing terms and conditions of agreement signed between NDMC and these medical establishments. The expenses will be reimbursed to the empanelled hospitals, labs, diagnostic centres on submission of bills as per prescribed notified provisions of CGHS / AIIMS on COVID-19 treatment. 

NDMC has already provided the medical facility to its contractual / RMR employees and their dependents family members based on the reimbursement of the expenditure incurred on the COVID-19 treatment only in any NDMC empanelled hospitals. However many representations have been received to introduce this facility on a cashless basis as the regular employees. The issue was considered in NDMC with higher authorities and the decision was taken in favour of contractual / RMR employees welfare. 

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