The Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh, Jai Ram Thakur recently made an announcement of developmental projects worth Rs 525 crores, including water supply scheme for Shimla city worth Rs 406 crores. The water supply scheme from Sutlej River for Shimla City will be completed by 2022, thus, providing 67 million liters of water per day, ensuring adequate water supply for Shimla city till 2050.
Thakur laid foundation stones of several developmental projects in Shimla, worth Rs 525 crores, which includes Smart Pedestrian Lanes from IGMC to Sanjauli to be built under Shimla Smart City Mission, worth Rs 17.36 crores, besides other important projects as Multi-Storey parking, and link road to OPD IGMC, too. He also flagged off the augmentation of Lift Water Supply Scheme Chaba ( Kol Dam) to Shimla as well as existing pumping station Gumma, to be completed with an expenditure of Rs 70 crores.
In a public address, Thakur stated that the multi-level parking and road linking the new OPD block would facilitate parking for over 420 vehicles and would be a solution for impending parking issues at IGMC.