With the aim to collection of highly infected covid19 waste from quarantine houses and its proper disposal in scientific manner, New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) has made a mechanism to collect household waste from door to door of quarantine home in which covid19 related person or patients are residing in its jurisdictions area.
Every day at 07.00 am, NDMC start collecting Bio-Medical hazardous Waste from each and every house who have people with covid19 effected person or patients in quarantine.
The list of the houses is being provided by the District Magistrate - New Delhi office in advance on daily basis of approximately 30 to 40 in numbers.
A driver of the vehicle and two other employees are deployed for the purpose and they are daily equipped with full new personal protection equipment ( PPE ) kits item to provide full protection from covid19 infection while the collection of hazardous waste from these quarantine houses in NDMC area.
The collected waste material from the quarantine houses are being filled in yellow bags which was already treated with sodium hypochlorite solution. After filling the bag, it is sealed by a tight tag and loaded on the vehicle designated for transportation of this type of waste.
During this lockdown period, daily by 10 am all these collected garbage bags are approximately 150 kg to 200 kg in weight and then it is given to BioTec Solutions agency for final disposal in scientific manners as per guidelines of Delhi Pollution Control Committee ( DPCC).
This agency is also collecting the waste from Birla Mandir Dharmshala quarantine centre and YWCA isolation centre for covid19 patients in NDMC area.