Combining AI, ML and IoT will establish one complete, interdependent distributed ecosystem.

What is IQT and how does it make all the connected things smarter?
Emerging technologies like Internet of Things (IoT) are redefining the way businesses are generating and consuming data. As these technologies take shape and bring more data sources on line, one of the biggest challenges will be to understand and act on the data generated by anything that can be connected. This data holds paramount importance for the organisations. In fact, successful businesses thrive on the ability to convert data into insights.
It is imperative to unlock the true potential of IoT and that can be done with the help of IQT. IQT stands for IQ of things, it is the combination of IoT and practical application of AI. IQT will set in motion a virtuous cycle of continuous learning and ever-increasing intelligence throughout the IoT ecosystem. We see it as the next evolutionary step in computing, one which will have profound implications on business, industry and organizations around the world.
How does AI & machine learning together unlock the true potential of IoT?
Artificial intelligence is playing a crucial role in IoT applications and deployments. Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have the ability to drive transformative value from the flood of data generated by IoT devices. Where AI imbibes organisations with the ability to quickly wring valuable insights from the data, ML brings the ability to automatically identify patterns and detects anomalies in the data that smart sensors and devices generate—information such as temperature, pressure, humidity, air quality, vibration, and sound etc.
Combining AI, ML and IoT will establish one complete, interdependent distributed ecosystem. This intelligent ecosystem is nothing but IQT which will help companies avoid unplanned downtime, increase operating efficiency, enable new products and services, and enhance risk management.
What role can IQT can play in India’s Smart Cities Mission?
India is undergoing a massive transformation to become a digitally-enabled smart nation and smart cities mission portrays a tremendous opportunity. However, the smart cities projects need superior digital architects and digital infrastructure to ensure proper planning and execution as new cities will heavily rely on a solid digital foundation and smart data management. This is where the importance of IQT comes into the picture. IQT produces a distributed model of intelligence that prioritizes the push for intelligence closer to the edge, so that decision-making can occur — and actions can be taken — in an instant and where they are needed. All in all, IQT will aid the IoT adoption process in India, thereby making the IoT smarter for everyone.
Tell us more about your projects under the Smart Cities Mission given your partnership with Prysm Inc last year to address the smart city opportunity in India?
We have been working closely with the Government under the smart cities mission in India. For example, we have partnered with various system integrators and application providers who use our Infrastructure stack for smart solutions. Some examples include: City wide Garbage tracking and monitoring solution in Mohali, Punjab, RFID based solid waste management in Jabalpur, e-classroom project in Indore, storage and compute for city wide solutions in Ahmedabad, etc. Last year, we partnered with Prysm for interactive Control and Command center display solutions. We are focused in our approach and fully committed to be an IT partner for Smart Cities.
How do you assess the digital transformation and its future in India?
In India, we are living in incredibly interesting times when digital transformation is revolutionizing the human landscape. The advanced capabilities of today’s emerging technologies are driving enterprises and people across verticals to envision futures in which their impact on society will be nothing short of transformative. Notably, the need to innovate at a far greater speed has become so dominant which has led to shifting customer mindsets. Customers no longer expect final comprehensive solutions, instead they are becoming more comfortable with adopting beta solutions that are yet to reach full maturity.
Tell us about your expansion and investment plans over the next 5 years?
IoT continues to enhance customer experience, drive business growth and improve lives, eventually making it central to organizations' digital transformation strategies. We are committed on providing underlying structure that drives it. Giving background on our IoT strategy, last year, Dell EMC unveiled its new division as well as a whole new range of IoT specific products, labs, partner programs and consumption models, which showcases our commitment to help our customers realize their digital future by helping them to safely navigating the complex and often fragmented IoT landscape.