“Industries Are Now Keen To Invest In Uttar Pradesh”

Please tell us something about the new initiatives taken in the industrial policy of Uttar Pradesh?
Our Industrial policy is being discussed in other countries now. So far, the incentives are concerned, we are giving enough incentives to people. In the eastern part of Uttar Pradesh and Bundelkhand area, we are going to reimburse 300 per cent of the original capital investment for the people who are investing there. Simultaneously, on the other hand, as far as the ease of doing business is concerned, we are coming up with the single window system. It is coming up under the office of our Chief Minister, so that it may be monitored very seriously and sincerely and the people will work accordingly.
We have put this in Janhit Guarantee Act also. As a part of this it will make the concerned officers and department, who are not working or those who are not going to give their clearance lists within the stipulated time accountable. The clearances and registration will be accepted for those people. So this is the kind of environment we are creating here in Uttar Pradesh.
So far the Law and Order, is concerned, our Government has zero tolerance against the crime and criminals. We are committed to give 24X7 uninterrupted power supply to the industries. As far as the incentives are concerned we are coming up with new industrial private industrial park, which has many exemptions and waivers given. All those people and investors who are coming in these Industrial parks with their indus-tries will be exempted of the 100 per cent land registration fee. The first buyer will also be given 50 per cent of the exemption of the registration fee of the lands.
As far as the mega projects and the super mega projects are concerned, we have clubbed these, not only to the tune of how much they are investing here but also, on how much employment they are giving to the youth of the country. Only when investors are in the position to fulfill the specifications in terms of employment and capital investment, either of these things, they are in a position to come in the mega category. So, if you have generated the same number of employment as by those who have invested that amount of money, you will come under the criteria.
It is an initiative for generating employment in the state. It will also be an incentive for the people who are working in these type of sectors. Take for instance the textile sector, because it generates big employment for the people. So, even if they are coming with less capital investment, they can come up as mega clusters. These type of industries and investors need much more incentives which we are giving.
How Government of Uttar Pradesh is trying to revive the industrial units of Kanpur, specifically Kanpur?
Kanpur was a main industrial hub in the state. It is known as the Manchester of East. Unfortunately, in the last three decades, it remained neglected. All these textile mills, whether it is BIC, or whether it is alchem mill, or it is other mills, mainly those who are under the jurisdiction of ministry of textiles, under the Government of India, had not been taken care of for the last 30 years. So, they are in a bad position. What is more grave is that even the technology used in these mills is old and out-dated. Now, we are planning to revive them. We are thinking to come up with one of these industries clubbing of all these laborers, coming up with these new technologies and machines.
I had spoken to the textile minister Smriti Irani also. She is also very keen to bring back the glory of Kanpur so far the textile units are concerned. But, we are still finding the way. It is a difficult task but, still we will come up with a plan to revive these industries. Also on the other hand, we are also coming up with bi industrial corridors. We are creating big land banks around Kanpur, whether, it is Bhawpur, or it is Ramaypurit and Allahabad. We hope that by doing this we will attract new and good investments as far as industry in the state in general and in Kanpur also.
It is almost eight months of formation of the new government in Uttar Pradesh. How has the response been from the people so far?
There was, for the last fifteen years, a sense of instability, as far as the industries are concerned. There was a big disconnect between the Government and the industries, the Government was not interested in industrialization of the state.
The industrialists also did not find appropriate atmosphere there to put up their industries as law was in a bad position. The earlier Government machinery just wanted to make money out of the industries. Now, the perception and the viewpoint of the industries have changed. Now, they want to come to Uttar Pradesh and set up their industries in the state, and this is one positive thing which I have seen here. Also, I have gone to Gujarat, and many other states and places, from where people now want to come to Uttar Pradesh.
How much of investment does the Government of Uttar Pradesh expect in the next one year?
We are already in talks with various industries. We feel that the investment we will attract in the next five years will be five times more than the other Governments had done in the state.