
Dr. Binti Singh


Dr. Binti Singh is an urban sociologist and holds a Ph.D. (in urban studies) and an M.Phil. (in Planning and Development) from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Bombay), Mumbai, India. She is Associate Professor at KRVIA, Mumbai and engaged in diverse international research programs like Building Resilient Urban Communities/BREUCOM supported by the European Union and academic collaborations like PIVOT supported by the Royal Academy of Engineering, UK. She is also Book Series Editor on Urban Futures with Routledge, Taylor and Francis and Associate Editor with Oxford Urbanists. She has contributed to several peer-reviewed research journals and edited books. Her articles have also featured in Domus India and Business World Smart Cities publications. Her research engages with questions on the built environment, urban policy and governance, urban trends and urban theory.

Latest Articles By Dr. Binti Singh

Community-led Climate Action For Liveable, Sustainable Smart Cities

The initiatives and solutions that are offered by the latter need to be stitched together in building the smart, resilient and liveable cities that we are all aspiring for!

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15-Minute City: Utopia or Reality?

The idea entails phasing out vehicles and creating a 15-minute city in an effort to encourage more self-sufficient urban communities with grocery shops, parks, cafes, sports facilities, health centers, schools, and even workplaces just a walk or bike-ride away.

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What Happened to Our Great Cities?

What is common to all the urban centers is their high density. Population density is determined by the number of residents who live within a given land area – usually a mile or kilometer. It is this high density that has contributed to the rise of these cities as economic hubs, cultural centers offering immense opportunities to diverse sets of people from everywhere, writes Author, Speaker and Urban Sociologist, Dr. Binti Singh.

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Climate Change Risks and Cities: The Need for Climate Action Plans

Recent climate changes have had widespread impacts on human and natural systems. The atmosphere and oceans have warmed, the amounts of snow and ice have diminished, and sea level has risen.

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Post Industrial City, Immaterial Labour And Cultural Industries

Cities in India are gradually accepting their difference and uniqueness and celebrating this as diversity. The global tourism industry is increasingly intrigued by exotic and undiscovered places and attendant cultural experiences.

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Rethinking Urban Mobility With Alternative Experiments

Smart experiments are underway in the urban mobility sector that is adopting the latest technologies and applications like never

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The Saga of our Inner Cities

The social and cultural homogeneity of inner cities is transforming with erstwhile traditional occupations and enterprises fast vanishing together with the displacement of communities practising those occupations.

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Reflections on The Smart City Mission in India

Each city in India can capitalize on its diversity and uniqueness in its quest to smartness rather than following a unilinear path determined by smart technologies only. A shift in thinking from technology driven solutions to people centric solutions could help us work towards more inclusive smart cities.

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Peri Urban Reality in India

Rapid expansion of city limits often described as the urban sprawl or peri urbanization can be accounted for as the new urban reality of India- a quintessential feature of contemporary urbanization.

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