After taking part in the last BW Smart Cities Conclave with the topic “Bilbao – A Journey from Industrial Decay to a Global Smart City”, we are sure that the fascinating urban transformation of Bilbao Metropolitan Area can inspire and match Indian cities big challenges and expectations. Bilbao today is a prime example of urban restructuring, having transitioned from a post industrial city, to a city of services, culture, design and creativity. Therefore, it has been internationally awarded several times, with special mention to LEE KUAN YEW World City Prize, considered the Nobel Prize of Cities, by the city-state of Singapore in 2010.
Despite the different starting points and characteristics of Indian cities regarding Bilbao, the need for a change and improvement, is the basis in both cases. India is facing a huge urbanization process, above the capabilities of their current cities in terms of population, people´s needs, sufficient and good quality housing, sanitation, transportation or parks and community spaces. To avoid this situation and based on the data we have had access to, with the expected migration to urban environments in the next 25 years, a city of one million people should be built each month in India.
That needs to face at least four important elements that in Bilbao were successfully developed:
Based on the data we have had access to, with the expected migration to urban areas in the next 25 years, a city of one million people should be built each month in India. This innovative model of transformation is known under the concept ‘Bilbao Effect’, describing how a city in economic decline was brought in huge financial growth and prestige, metamorphosing to a totally new energetic city.
Bilbao became the symbol of successful economic and cultural revival, the reason why other cities around the world took notice from Bilbao as an inspirational model. In addition, Bilbao showcased that economics and architecture should be considered together, proving how other cities and urban areas can affect their urban environment in a good way.
From our experience and with the aim of transferring somehow the “Bilbao Effect” to Indian cities , we would make the following suggestions:
All the above points, towards gaining one of the main Sustainable Development Goals set by the UN - Transforming cities and human settlements to be inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. Based in the experience gained during the Bilbao Metropolitan Urban Transformation, some of the best professionals that took part in it founded “Bilbao Urban & Cities Design Group” to which I belong. On behalf of this Group, I would like to welcome Indian Cities delegates in our city, to experience live a real and successful show case and help them to find out the way to transfer Bilbao Effect to Indian Cities.