The decision was taken by the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet (ACC) chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Read MoreThe platform helps mobile, cable and wireline operators with deployment and investment strategies for next-generation communications technologies
Read More“The city has a functional wet waste processing plant and a biomethanation plant is being commissioned shortly. Work of 30 key roads of the city is ongoing, and another 25 is on the anvil. A new water-supply scheme that will comprehensively address the water situation has been approved. Nearly 80 city buses are running and more are being added to the fleet. All this has resulted in a positive environment in the city that should indirectly result in more jobs in days to come. The projects have also had a positive impact on tourism”, asserted an energetic Nipun Vinayak, Commissioner Aurangabad Municipal Corporation and CEO, Aurangabad Smart City Development Corporation Limited in conversation with Poulami Chakraborty of BW SmartCities World. Excerpts below:
Read More“TERI is a not-for-profit research institute that focuses on all the aspects of environment, energy, and waste management as well as their linkage to climate change, health and sustainable development. The Institute is also working to develop and implement technology solutions, emerging from national policies, to address the adverse impact energy use and waste management on the environment”, shared Dr. Suneel Pandey, Director, Environment and Waste Management Division, TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute) with Poulami Chakraborty of BW Businessworld. Excerpts below
Read More'Public Transport' feature on the Uber App will provide live transit information about Delhi Metro and Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC).
Read MoreKarnataka government's initiative seeks to promote electric vehicle adoption. The draft is currently pending before the law department.
Read More“Newgen has been acting as an enabler for responsive and modern brand of governance.Our solutions for e-governance, such as e-Office, e-Municipality, e-Secretariat, smartcity, direct benefit transfer (DBT), electronic document &records management, etc., are being utilized by multiple Government departments, PSUs, and agencies across the country to provide a digitally enabled workspace”, asserted Diwakar Nigam, Chairman & MD - Newgen Software Technologies Limited in conversation with Poulami Chakraborty. Details below:
Read More“The GRIHA rating system takes a holistic approach toward sustainable action intended to mitigate climate change, a significant aspect of which is: reduction in GHG emissions from the construction and operation of India’s building stock”, asserted Sanjay Seth, CEO, GRIHA Council in conversation with Poulami Chakraborty of BW SmartCities World. Excerpts below:
Read More“Subex Secure is built for securing diverse IoT and Operational Technology deployments. The ongoing R&D backing our product focuses on securing these deployments from a range of cross-spectrum threats to business, smart cities, and government infrastructure. As of today, we run one of the largest cyber threat intelligences gathering infrastructure in the world and the quality and volume of intelligence gathered by us is not just current and relevant but also essential for protecting the deployments we are securing”, assures Kiran Zachariah, Vice President, IoT Business Solutions, Subex Limited in a conversation with Poulami Chakraborty of BW SmartCities World. Excerpts below:
Read More“For us, where we see a peak of opportunity is how you manage the public transportation. How you have to do the modeling of public transportation, multimodal whether I go I combine metro bus and car and taxi. The oldest transportation management system is one of the areas that I see is common in every Indian city because today when you look at the Indian city, I will take the example of Bangalore because I live there, usually you have metro lines”, asserted Samson Khaou, Managing Director, Dassault Systemes in conversation with Poulami Chakraborty of BW SmartCities World. Excerpts below:
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