Smart Water Solutions – Harvesting Water From Thin Air

Water conservation has been a topic of utmost importance since the beginning of the 21st century. For almost two decades, finding an efficient renewable source of water has been the real challenge. With only 3% freshwater available, of which only one-third water is available for usage, it does not take a hydrologist to understand there is an impending water crisis at a global scale. 

The ever increasing population and the amount of water wastage which takes place daily, it is going to be extremely difficult for us to cope with the shortage of water in the coming few years. At the current rate, by 2030, 40% of India’s population will not have access to basic drinking water. The water which is currently available is not suitable for daily needs. Almost 20% diseases caused in India are water borne. Estimates suggest at least 20 million people die each year due to the water borne diseases.

Reverse Osmosis (RO), which is the most popular technology which provides pure drinking water has its own set of disadvantages. The most important disadvantage is the amount of water which gets wasted during water purification. Almost 20 gallons of water gets wasted during the purification process. Even though the water is free of pollutants and chemicals, most of the essential minerals also get lost during the purification process.

Even with the pace at which technology is evolving for the past decade, renewable source of water which is cheap, yet efficient had not been found until now. A new technology has entered the market which can solve the problem of water availability and clean drinking water which is the Atmospheric Water Generation.

The Atmospheric Water Generation (AWG) technology is a unique and state-of-the-art technology which harvests the humidity in the air and converts it into clean drinking water. This process is very similar to nature’s own process of converting humidity into water droplets as in the case of dew. 

There are two methods used in AWGs namely, cooling condensation and wet desiccation. The most commonly used technique is the cooling condensation method. It is very similar to a dehumidifier. The air enters an inlet over a cooled coil, which causes the air to condense and form water. This process is known as the atmospheric condensation. Water production rate might differ in different weather conditions, different humidity levels and the volume of air which enters over the cooling coil. 

The air to water technology is at a very nascent stage especially in India. People are hesitant in adopting a new technology at first, but once, they start understanding the benefits of this technology; this may become a solution to the water crisis. For starters, the AWGs do not waste any water during the purification process unlike an RO system or a water purifier. An RO system cannot get rid of the water borne disease causing viruses and bacteria, but the air to water technology takes care of those as well. We at Air-O-Water utilize the moisture content in the air to create the purest form of drinking water through a patented 4-step filtration process. The ozonation technology utilised at Air-O-Water has been tested, certified and patented to ensure that each unit generates water that is 100% pure and safe for consumption, rich in oxygen and free from groundwater contamination and pesticides. 

It is also affordable, environmentally friendly, scalable and easy to install product solving dual problems of water scarcity and clean drinking water.

A multi-filtration process ensures that no bacteria or virus is present after the purification process.

Water crisis is an extremely important topic not only for scientists, hydrologists or researchers, it is also important for us to take a step forward and make a difference. With the advent of this technology, we can still have a fighting chance to win this was against water scarcity.


Siddharth Shah

Guest Author The author is Director, Airowater

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