Dynamic Traffic Control and Management System for Smart Cities

Technology has continued to impact society over the years, it has improved our standard of living and quality of life. Advances in transportation methods, Internet of Things, cloud and edge computing, scalable storage, and data analytics have made fast computing, data-empowered insights, connected mobility and anytime/anywhere commuting possible. A city’s transport system acts as a lifeline for the smooth functioning of the city. In the absence of the right commuting channels, life comes to a halt for people residing in urban areas. Proper means and management of transport channels define the quality of life in modern hi-tech cities.
Intelligent Transportation Management System (ITMS) strives to innovate, plan, operate, evaluate, and manage transportation systems by leveraging advanced information and communication technologies. ITMS can revolutionize the way people commute in metros and smart cities. It offers a novel approach in providing different transportation modes, advanced infrastructure, traffic, and mobility management solutions. It uses a number of electronics, wireless, and communication technologies to provide consumers access to a smarter, safer, and faster way to travel.
To understand the ITMS concept in smart cities, let us list down few important Technologies used in Intelligent Transportation System
Advanced Sensing Technologies: These include intelligent sensors both in vehicles and road infrastructure. The Radio Frequency Identification (RFI) and intelligent beacon sensing technologies are ensuring the safety of drivers in cities world over. Road reflectors, inductive loops are inbuilt with road, helping in traffic control and safe driving especially during night. They can also inform about the vehicle density in a particular time period and can identify vehicles at both slow as well as high speed.
Advanced Video Vehicle Detection: Video cameras or CCTV surveillance can solve many problems for traffic managers. Video footage of strategic places and prime junctions can help operators in observing traffic flow, identifying any emergency situation or road congestion. In built vehicle sensors, automatic number plate detection helps in keeping a check on vehicles for security purposes.
Advanced Traffic Light System: Nowadays Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is used in traffic lights systems. The technology offers the correct algorithms and database even when applied to multiple lanes, road junctions, and vehicles. These lights can adjust themselves during critical and peak-hour traffic situations without any manual presence.
Advanced Tracking System: Nowadays majority number of vehicles are fitted with in-vehicle GPS. The GPS system offers two-way communication helping traffic professionals to locate vehicles, check speeding vehicles, and provide emergency services. Smartphones, mobile apps, Google maps have become useful tools in tracking them, knowing road quality, traffic density and locating different routes and places.
There are numerous benefits that smart technology of transportation brings to the smart city. Below are few advantages listed -
Smart Transportation is safer: By combining machine learning with IoT, autonomous transportation systems have proven to reduce the “human factor” in accidents. Computers don’t get distracted or fatigued or emotional.
Smart Transportation is better managed: Data collection is an important key to responsible public management of infrastructure. Smart transportation not only provides detailed data points for every aspect of the transportation system, but allows administrators to better monitor operations, track maintenance needs, and identify key sources of problems that need to be fixed.
Smart Transportation is more efficient: With better management comes more efficient use. Quality data can help to pinpoint areas where efficiency can be improved.
Smart Transportation is cost-effective: Because smart transportation makes better use of the resources available, it can cut down costs thanks to preventative maintenance, lower energy consumption, and fewer resources used towards accidents. Cost savings can also be gained by riders when inexpensive public transit is efficient enough to compete with private vehicle ownership.
Smart cities need smart transport services. Proper movement of people, goods, and services accelerate the growth and development of a region. A well-planned and efficiently managed transport network is a must for any society. In the last few years, the smart city concept resulted in the development and deployment of platforms for providing innovative services to improve sustainability and living standards.