
Rafi Rich


Rafi Rich, is an architect & Urban planner, a Senior lecturer for urban strategies & smart Cities at The Technion in Haifa, and the CEO & Founder of SUITS (Smarter Urban iT & Strategies) an Israeli-based urban innovation integrator working with many cities, governments & organisations in Israel, Europe & Africa, including consulting UNHABITAT & preparing the National Smart City Masterplan for Rwanda. Recently Rich had co-founded the MidCityLabs- an initiative focused on promoting urban Innovation for secondary cities & developing cities around the globe. For more info:

Latest Articles By Rafi Rich

Smart Cities & Urban Innovation- state of Israeli Urban Innovation

While Israel, like many other countries, still follows the “6 vector paradigm” (Smart mobility, People, Economy, Environment, Government and Living, known as Boyd-Cohen’s Smart City Wheel), more and more Israeli cities are freeing themselves from the ‘big-vendor-oriented solutions’. Instead, they are adopting challenge-based processes focusing on solutions that can improve lives and the cost-efficiency of governing cities with dynamic changes striving to be real smart cities. Writes Architect Rafi Rich, SUiTS & MiDCityLabs IL. .

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