India, United States to Work Together on Climate Action- Union Environment Minister

(Source: PTI)

During a telephonic conversation with US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate (SPEC) John Kerry recently, Union Environment Minister Bhupendra Yadav, on August 24, ascertained that India stands with its full commitment to working with the United States (US) on clean energy. 

According to a statement issued by the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC), Yadav highlighted on inclusion of the 'Climate Action and Finance Mobilisation Dialogue (CAFMD)' Track under the India-US Climate, Clean Energy Agenda 2030 Partnership, on the telephonic conversation with Kerry. Elaborate discussions were made on several related issues as well.

Announcing the climate discussions, Yadav took to Twitter and tweeted, “Had a telephonic conversation with US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate Mr. JohnKerry and discussed at length how the largest and oldest democracies can set examples for other countries on climate action. India stands committed to working with the US on Clean Energy.”

As per the MoEF&CC, the US SPEC John Kerry is likely to visit India with an ambition to make the India US partnership effective on clean energy, in September this year. 

The statement said, “Both India and the US agree to engage in a constructive tie-up under the India-US Climate and Clean Energy Agenda 2030 Partnership. The environment minister stated that these platforms provide greater opportunities for working together for climate actions and emphasized that India stands committed to working with the US on Clean Energy.”

Kerry, during the conversation, mentioned the rollout of the CAFMD in order to enhance actions in the presedecade to meet the Paris Agreement goals, added the ministry.

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